A Good senior life with dual sensory loss /
Toimittaja: Lasse Winther Wehner ; Kirjoittajat: Trine Skov Uldall, Arlene J. Astell, Maggie P. Ellis, Henriette Hermann Olesen, P. O. Edberg, Barbro Westerholm.
- Dronninglund : Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues, 2012.
- 31 sivua
Tanskankielinen teos Et godt ældreliv med kombineret sansetab.
Elderly People with dual sensory loss - a public health problem? ; Not being able to hear, not being able to see - what is done and what should be done for people with deafblindness? ; The challenge of progressive dual sensory loss ; Acquires deafblindness and dementia - a special challenge ; Communication beyond speech.